Summer Trips 2022 - part V

More exciting trips out again so far this week…

On Monday Class 4 had a typical summer’s day at St. Anne’s on Sea - it didn’t actually rain, but it wasn’t that warm or sunny either!

Nonetheless the group had a fantastic time on the beach, playing in the sand, digging, building sandcastles and generally chilling out with the seagulls.

They enjoyed munching on lovely hot chips on the blankets on the beach, then headed off for a bit more shelter to enjoy ice creams by the pier which was built in 1885.

Older students from the school for Autism were also on the Fylde coast on Monday, with A12 visiting the Sealife Centre in Blackpool.

Students enjoyed looking and touching some of the sea life, and they found out that it was a special day for one of the creatures.

The turtle in the large viewing tank was 23 years old, which is a baby in turtle years. The staff explained that the turtle could live up to 180 years! Even older than some of our staff!

They ended the day the best way possible at the seaside, with an ice cream, which was enjoyed by all.

ice cream
rock pool
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