There have been more classes enjoying taking part in summer trips this week, although the weather has been wetter! TG3 had a brilliant day at Witton Park - where whilst they were there it didn’t rain!
They had a fantastic walk around and enjoyed a picnic in the park. They then came across the fantastic bike tracks and had great fun with lots of laughter, pushing the wheelchairs to ride over the cycle lane.
TG2 had a morning growing around Oswaltwistle Mills. They enjoyed window shopping around all the stalls, visited the sweet shop and bought a range of things, then went to the cafe to use their communication skills to make choices…
And they were delighted to bump into one of pupils who has been unwell in the cafe - He is doing really well and is looking forward to seeing all his friends in school again very soon.
Finally, as well as trips, we are preparing for our Prom, and to raise extra money for the treats, we have been selling some fantastic hand knitted animals, knitted by the fabulous mum of Cate from our nursing team!
Thanks to her skills, time and generosity, we have made approx. £50 towards the prom - we can’t wait!