Today, on the second and final day of the SEND Duke of Edinburgh Award expedition, students and staff had another really sunny day at Brockholes Nature Reserve.
They did a walk around the red route and managed the different terrain and cambers, helping each other along the way.
Students practised their independence skills, using an iswitch to take pictures for our project and evidence files. They enjoyed using the switch to capture the wild animal statues that they spotted along the way.
They put up some shelter, for a change to offer respite from the sun, not the rain, and the tarpaulin was fun as it was very windy on the top of the hill - they were lucky it didn’t blow away.
On the camp stove students cooked noodles and custard - which were enjoyed separately!
The assessor face timed a few times throughout the two days and was very happy with all their achievements.
Well done everyone involved - it was hard work but very rewarding.
We are so proud of our students and staff!