Easter Assemblies 2022

Today we have had the absolute pleasure of welcoming large numbers of parents, siblings and wider family members back into school for our first whole school assemblies since 2019, celebrating Easter.

In SEND, with our assembly led by teacher Greg, at times dressed as a chicken, we discussed themes of Easter using the story Hattie Peck, with the Primary phase leading us in song and a taster of the Moana performance prepared by Class 6 with some music and dancing.

In Autism in the afternoon Greg lead the same assembly, with pupils from A5 providing the entertainment hopping around as bunnies to a nice song.

The unprecedented attendance from parents and families meant that the hall was abuzz with excitement.

Parents also had the opportunity to browse the Easter Enterprise stalls in our Atrium and purchase all manner of rabbits and chickens, as well as cake nests, plants and cards.

The groups also held an Easter egg tombola, to raise money for Ukraine.

It was a pleasure and a privilege to be in the position to come together and to laugh and sing once again.

Thanks also go to the team for providing tea, coffee and hot cross buns for our lovely morning and afternoon assemblies.

family in class

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