School Council and an Exciting Encounter...

Whilst our older pupils were taking part in a meeting, some of our youngest went out on their first walk down the hill to Queen’s Park.

Class 1 had a fabulous time and they saw… a deer on the walk down to the park, fed the ducks, watched squirrels and walked by the lake.

After stopping for a snack on the picnic bench they played on the playground.

The children loved the freedom to explore the park, choosing what they wanted to play on and showed lots of independence - climbing steps to the slide, balancing and climbing on the ropes, playing on the swings and sliding down slides.

It was great fun!

The older pupils held their regular school council meeting this afternoon, but instead of the normal school council meeting where we discuss lots of things, we decided to just meet up and play some games.

We played colour corners and musical islands. The group knew that there were prizes at stake so some students were very competitive!

We then had a sing song on the karaoke - everyone had a great time - and normal service will resume next time!


We love how brave our pupils are and how hard they try at everything - whether it is playing games, singing karaoke, racing around in electric wheelchairs or climbing to the top of a climbing frame - they are all adventurous and determined!

Deputy, Jenny Riley
singing star
the boys
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