Today, in the run up to the Easter holidays, classes began to take part in our Easter sensory events. We have planned the events around the story – Saving Easter.
Pupils were able to enjoy completing a treasure hunt of Easter imagery around the building - rabbits, easter eggs, chicks etc.
They then take part in an egg hunt with the Easter Bunny in the studio, exploring textures, smells, sounds and tastes associated with Easter and hunting for the eggs in nests and boxes!
Finally, after the excitement of the egg hunt, the groups are able to enjoy a YouTube video - Spring Relax.
In S2 today they have continued with the Easter theme - making hot cross bun dough and tasting them to support learning about Good Friday and Easter symbols.
They also had egg and spoon races outside on the playground - it was really tricky to balance them and run!
Whist playing outside, they were very happy to see that the bulbs that they planted back in September for the ‘In the garden’ theme …. have just flowered… a reward of tulips and daffodils, for all that hard work and thanks to the rain and sunshine!