Rights Respecting School Steering Group

In our RRSA meeting this afternoon we discussed the problems that are going on in Ukraine as well as all the things we have done for charity.

We discussed our Christmas stall, Valentine gift tombola, book recycling tombola which we did for the orphanage school in Kenya.

This week we are showing our support for the people of Ukraine - we talked about children’s rights to be safe and have a home and we made flags to put on display. We were very happy to have our parent representative Peter join us for the afternoon and help with the flag making!

On Friday we are wearing blue and yellow in support of children and young people in Ukraine and hope to raise some money to send to them.

We thought about which of the UNICEF Children’s Right’s of the Child were relevant to the situation in Ukraine:

  • Article 22 (refugee children) : If a child is seeking refuge or has refugee status, governments must provide them with appropriate protection and assistance to help them enjoy all the rights in the Convention. Governments must help refugee children who are separated from their parents to be reunited with them.
  • Article 38 (war and armed conflicts) : Governments must not allow children under the age of 15 to take part in war or join the armed forces. Governments must do everything they can to protect and care for children affected by war and armed conflicts.
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