Tree Planting with River Ribble Trust - update

We’ve been delighted to see lots of celebrations in the press and social media about our successful tree planting that took place this half term and culminated in the River Ribble Trust working with us last week. We’ve been enjoying the nice spring sunshine and hopefully it is helping our little trees settle in and start growing! We thought we’d share with you some of these reports - so please have a look!

The Lancashire Telegraph talked all about the ‘Tree champions’ at Newfield School transforming outdoor spaces in their article.

The River Ribble Trust gave us a great write up on their Facebook page talking about the additional activities they had done, including putting blue tape on the tops of all the canes used to mark out where to plant trees, making them more visible to the pupils with visual impairments; tree painting activity to the pupils, using paints made out of natural and edible ingredients; adapting the usual educational activity to focus on trees as habitats for wildlife. This activity offered tactile learning, helping the pupils to learn through touching, feeling and moving. They had previously talked about the ground prep to ready the site for all the planting.

Thanks once again to everyone involved in the project.

tree art
tree artwork
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