Red Nose Day 2022

- In Category: Charity Events

Red Nose Day 2022

Today we joined the nation for Comic Relief to celebrate Red Nose Day and raise money for a worthy charity.

Everyone came dressed in red, or as a superhero and paid £1!

Children took part in trails in and around school to hunt for red noses. There were ‘red nose and spoon’ races in the halls and red nose parachute activities - we all had lots of fun. Classes also enjoyed lots of sensory red and red nose based class activities.

Some of the older students in SEND decorated masks outside in the spring sunshine and wore them with pride for assembly this afternoon.

Meanwhile in Autism, the older students held another online assembly as part of learning about safe use of the internet, and special guests Deputy Jenny joined them, complete with red nose, to award the star of the week certificates remotely!

Senior EHCA Chloe made some red nose cupcakes for today, they were £1 each and were raspberry and white chocolate flavour. They looked delicious and sold out in record time - we think she should be on the Bake Off!

If you would like to make a donation to Comic Relief, you can do this on their website

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