Over the last two days pupils have had the opportunity to work with staff from the Ribble River Trust to plant hedgerow whips, which will create a native hedgerow, shelter and a habitat for wildlife.
The volunteers of Newfield have been helping to dig and plant fruit trees and native species throughout the grounds.
During tree planting some pupils have been taking part in activities, run by members of the Ribble River Trust, that explain the importance of trees. They have been exploring the elements needed for trees to grow and sorting out the type of things you should see in a tree habitat i.e. animals and not litter.
The Team from Ribble River Trust have supported pupils, staff and volunteers to help enhance our outdoor space and we would like to say a huge thank you to them for all of their help, we have really enjoyed working with them.
Teacher Anna Heyworth has worked tirelessly over the last 2 days, but also over the last few months to coordinate all the planting activity at Newfield, so we all want to also say a huge thank you to her!
Now it’s going to take time, sunshine, rain and support from all of the Newfield Family to help these trees grow and for Newfield to establish a usable landscape to learn within and learn from.