Bringing Books to Life!

Today we welcomed Amy from the company ‘West End in Schools’ to deliver the dance workshop ‘Bringing books to life’ as part of our World Book Day celebrations. Classes from all across the school took part in the session and the feedback was great! We all focused on the story ‘Where the wild things are’.

A little boy Max goes on an adventure and rows his boat to a far away land – Where the wild things are! They made him the king and we all enjoyed pretending to be kings and queens – giving royal waves and putting on our crowns.

We danced and swayed like trees in the windy forest and of course - made up our own wild things – some were small, some were tall, some were big and some round, some were scary and some were funny. We had a dance party and then we rowed our boats back to eat up all of the dinner.

It was a lovely alternative experience for our pupils to participate in – they enjoyed copying actions, dancing to familiar songs and of course – pretending to be wild things!

We all had a great day. Here are some pictures of some of the groups enjoying their sessions ….

My class loved the dance session with Amy from West end in schools– they got really involved and were great at being wild things! We crawled around the floor to prowl and we stood tall and roared to be giant scary wild things – We enjoyed the experience of copying the actions and putting all the dance moves together at the end to re-tell the story.

Shannon and S2
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