Artwork, Interviews and Muddy Gardens - another busy week!

Another very busy week in school, with lots of activities going on. We found out that the ‘Fantastic Plastic’ sculpture that we worked on recycling lots of milk bottle tops to create a picture with community potter Alistair, has finally gone on display at Blackburn train station - we were delighted to see it and think it looks great - make sure you look out for it next time you are around the station!

Some of our youngest children have been enjoying experimenting and playing in their new mud kitchen.

Speaking of mud… we have been very busy this week planting over 200 ‘whips’ - which are tiny little twigs with roots that we hope will grow into trees and hedges around school - it was mussy, raining and hard work, but pupils, staff, governors and friends of school got stuck in to develop our grounds - more of this next week.

This half term A12 have been learning about the World of Work. This week they have had visits from Dave Terry, the Headteacher and Sara Barr-Frost, Chair of Governors. Students have been asking them questions about what job they do, favourite foods and hobbies. Students have then typed the answers using laptops.

We enjoyed the first signs of spring with all the bulbs planting by our volunteers last autumn now starting to come up!

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