Looking after the Outdoors

We’ve been thinking lots about the environment in school today.

Simon from United Utilities visited and spent time with groups of older children to help us learn more about how precious water is and what we can do to reduce waste.

In Autism this half term the theme is The World of Work where A12, A13, & A14 classes look at different jobs and industry.

Today, Simon explained a little about The Water Cycle, how water gets to our taps at home and in school. He explained to the students what happens when you put toilet paper down the toilet by showing them a bottle of water, putting a piece of toilet roll inside and shaking the bottle up.

The paper breaks down into small pieces. He then placed a baby wipe in the bottle to demonstrate that the wipe does not break up and can block the drains. It was a very practical and visual activity which everyone enjoyed taking part in the session.

He explained why we shouldn’t flush wipes down the toilet, even the ones that say they are flushable as they block the pipes up. We carried out a practical experiment to filter dirty water using sand and stones. The dirty water we poured in was much cleaner when it had been filtered.

Here are some of the photographs of the students taking part.

pair work
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