World Book Day 2022

- In Category: School Activities

World Book Day 2022

Today we celebrated World Book Day - and it is a special one as it is the 25th anniversary of this day celebrating reading and books!

Many staff and children dressed up for the occasion - we had Mary Poppins, a couple of Cruella Deville’s, Alice in Wonderland, Chickens, Bat Man, Captain America, The queen of hearts, Harry Potter, lots of Mr Men and Little Misses, Princesses, Dinosaurs, Woody, Fantastic Mr. Fox… the list goes on and on!

Following the book fair earlier in the week in the halls in both schools there were sensory activities linked to stories and it looked amazing!

In Autism you could catch a star for a sensory story ‘How to catch a star’ in the studio, make star biscuits and sun catchers. Lots of groups visited our libraries and shared stories. In SEND there was a silver theme studio session - celebrating the 25 years of WBD - and in the hall there was a sensory story tuff tray trail - again based around the story How to catch a star - all groups attended the walk through story with activities along the way.

Some classes had themed themselves around a book - A1 team the cat in the hat,

We all had an absolutely fantastic day, enjoyed lots of stories and linked activities and celebrated reading - wherever we want to read…

Thanks to everyone who made our day so special - we love books!

catch a star
cat in the hat
harry potter
mr men

Our RRSA group also held a book tombola in support of our link orphanage school in Kenya, with prizes of packs of 3 books donated by staff. So we recycled and reused the books and everyone won a prize - raising over £80 for the Love for Kenya charity. It was very popular and the books went quickly so we will definitely be doing another book tombola to promote reading, recycling and raise money!

WBD helped us all to think about how books are crucial for exercising several of the children’s rights. Whether they’re reading to get information (Article 17 – access to information from the media), to learn and develop (Article 29 – goals of education) or for pleasure (Article 31 – leisure, play and culture).

book stall

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