Children's Mental Health Week 2022 - Weddings and Valentines!

S2 have been learning all about the similarities and differences of weddings in different religions this half term…

After the wonderful proposal last week, the big day arrived! Minhaj and Claire had a beautiful wedding in the grand hall of Newfield. The bridesmaids were ever so elegant. The best man did his job to perfection. The groom, Minhaj looked so proud and happy as he watched his bride to be walk down the aisle.

Speaking of the beautiful bride, what a vision of beauty she was. Terence did an exceptional job as the celebrant and tears were shed as she glided down the aisle!

Afterwards, a lavish reception was held for guests in S2, the happy couple but the cake and the groom’s proud Dad dropped by for an impromptu photoshoot.

An unforgettable day was had by all in our ‘pretend’ wedding of the year!

Continuing with the love theme, in both areas of school there were Valentine’s Enterprise events - with classes selling items they had made.

There were bracelets, jewellery art work, cards, chocolates, candles, soaps, cookies, cupcakes… an absolutely huge selection of valentine products to choose from all handmade by our talented entrepreneurs!

There was also a raffle from the RRSA group in aid of the Love for Kenya charity, where everyone won a prize and they raised a whopping £49!

The profits made by pupils throughout the year at the enterprise events is then added up and the classes involved decide what they want to spend their earning on from all their hard work!

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