Another Busy Week Learning!

All of the children have been very busy this week, getting on with a huge range of activities all around school.

In TG2 they ran their weekly cafe and Suha did a great job adding the day’s takings and collecting money owed (very politely) from customers.

In the school for SEND we are learning about our fantastic bodies - this week some children have been exploring their senses and had fun trying to guess and choose what we could smell, feel, hear and taste while blindfolded - it was hard!

Other children were enjoying taking turns drawing messages and pictures with magic pens and using the UV torch to reveal them.

In the school for Autism A14 have started to learn archery as a new skill as part of the motivate sessions at Witton Park.

Pupils are able to improve on their focus, hand eye coordination and upper strength alongside increasing confidence and building on social skills.

A14 have also been learning about city life around the world. As part of our learning on Paris we followed instructions to make our own Pain au Chocolat. Bon appetit!

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Sunday, 29 December. Copyright © 2018-2024 Newfield School, Blackburn, Lancashire. | Web Design by Technology Applied