Although it’s early in the term, the learning has started in full earnest! S2 have been learning about the skeleton and different bones in the body as part of our topic.
We have put symbols of different bones on a body outline to guess where we think they are.
We built skeleton pictures with cut up pieces and we also played a drag and game on the computer to do the same - don’t the skeleton hands look brilliant?!
We looked at X-ray pictures and talked about which parts of the body the bones were and we created our own x ray pictures by photo copying our hands and adding art straws to create the bones.
Meanwhile in TG1, after a busy morning running their weekly cafe, they have been exploring animal prints in art and this afternoon designed and painted masks.
At the bottom, you can see HLTA Rachael’s video all about building a house! Don’t forget to use our Youtube channel if you are bored at home and want to learn something!