Today our School for Autism primary pupils performed ‘The Christmas Story’ and we were finally able to welcome parents back to watch.
All the children worked very hard to practice dances, using instruments, making props and costumes. It was lovely to have an audience to watch and applaud the pupils hard work. Each class performed a section of the story and they all did so well.
We had key roles from our narrators Shammas and Arons, who told the story plus dancing stars and shepherds, inn keepers, three kings playing musical instruments and donkeys walking Mary to Bethlehem.
We had some lovely singing and signing to Away in a manger to finish and then everyone joined together to sing we wish you a marry Christmas.
Other classes around school were able to view the nativity virtually and all agreed that it was a great performance.
All the parents and staff were so proud of the pupils and a few tears of pride and joy were shed.
Well done to all involved and what a brilliant way for our newest families to experience Newfield.