Takeover Week 21 - part 2

- In Category: School Activities

Takeover Week 21 - part 2

Our takeover week has continued, with lots of children involved with activities taking on adult roles and responsibilities.

Endija was enthusiastic and eager to help with supporting Aimie with the TacPac session. Endija followed the instructions Aimie gave her and remained on task throughout the whole session. She helped set up and tidy away. Endija was very friendly towards the children and communicated with them softly and reassuringly. Endija used the tacpac resources gently on the children. Well done Endija!

Zuha did a fantastic job in the school kitchen, helping prepare garlic bread for lunch - we think she might be getting a part time job here at this rate!

On Wednesday, Hisham and Suha greeted visitors and served them biscuits and refreshment during the parent coffee morning, taking over from the Family Wellbeing Coordinators. Ann Marie and Mathilde enjoyed having extra help during the lively session, where many topics related to school and social care were discussed. Thanks Hisham, thanks Suha, you were very professional!

Robert really enjoyed helping out the office staff, putting up notices around school - he liked have a walk round this Jen who he doesn’t usually spend time with and making sure it all looks good.

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