Cafes, Visits and Discos!

- In Category: School Activities

Cafes, Visits and Discos!

Today in SEND, it has been a busy day with lots of different types of learning going on!

Some of our oldest pupils had their first ‘real’ customers today in their cafe - they have been practising cooking, prepping, serving and washing up and we are pleased to report that today, the first service went well.

It was a little busy at times but everyone coped with their jobs really well and everyone left happy - happy customers enjoyed toast, snacks and drinks. After service the ‘staff’ enjoyed a cuppa in their breakout room!

In EYFS our littlest pupils came dressed up for a mini Halloween Disco during their weekly wheelchair dancing session - it was very cute and very well enjoyed by all.

And two of our other classes took their first trips out of the year - both visiting Tesco, doing a bit of shopping and enjoying time in the community on a beautiful sunny day.

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