World Mental Health Day 2021

Today we celebrated World Mental Health Day and staff started the day sharing breakfast with our friends and work colleagues.

We were finally able to come together for a real breakfast after many virtual wellbeing breakfasts and we enjoyed toast, crumpet and muffins. It’s not often we get to chat with our friends and colleagues but today we came to school early and took time to meet and catch up.

For children we held a number of favourite activities that children had voted for, including Film Club, Karaoke, Wheelchair dancing, Relaxing and choosing our favourite songs in studio.

Class 4 enjoyed their trip to Appletrees doing something they enjoy to help with mental health - playing in the lovely gardens and using the swing!

We were all focussing on things we can do to have positive mental health and be kind - as per the posters from Charlie Macksey.

Everyone enjoyed karaoke - we definitely need to run a Newfield’s got Talent competition. We has some wonderful singing and dancing, just a joy.

Thank you to everyone for making the day such a success. It has been so nice to all be able to get together and do things again.

singing star
be kind
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