As part of our theme ‘In the Garden’, pupils in S2 have been searching for creatures and they found lots of minibeasts in the sensory garden today – they all really enjoyed it.
Continuing the theme, in S1 children have been using at to create gardens - here are some of the class shoebox garden dioramas.
TG1 had a successful trip to Asda this morning. Everyone had made a short list and had some money to spend. Mackenzie bought her dad a birthday card and Angel was so happy to see her mum (who works in the bakery department) Suha was asking one of the Asda employees why some of the tills were closed, she called the engineer over who explained they were still being installed. She listened very carefully as he talked to her and this led into a good discussion about who it is safe to talk to when we are out in the community.
Classes have been looking after their wellbeing, taking part in yoga - Everyone tried really hard to get into all the poses this afternoon and all left the hall feeling relaxed!