A Busy First Week of Learning!

It has been a very busy first week back in school with lots of things going on and learning in full swing.

The website blog has some serious competition now that pupils in S1 have begun to create a weekly, in house newsletter, with articles sent to their news email, for pupils to chose from and then publish - the first edition was brilliant!

TG1 have a kindness wreath which they are trying to fill up. Every time someone does something kind and thoughtful, their friends give them a ribbon to tie on the class wreath. Everyone is trying really hard to earn ribbons.

Some pupils are learning about gardens and enjoyed exploring the work of Claude Monet. They watched a video and saw his house and Gardens near Paris. Then mixed colours to make different shades of green to paint his famous bridge picture with lilies on the water.

In the school for SEND we have been starting to have assemblies again - separate ones for early years, primary, secondary and post 16 in order to keep numbers down - they were all very lively, and the secondary one celebrated pupils achievements during the week and then seemed to turn into a disco at the end!

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Monday, 06 January. Copyright © 2018-2025 Newfield School, Blackburn, Lancashire. | Web Design by Technology Applied