Goodbye and Good Luck Class of 2021

Today our oldest children, one of our youngest and some staff, have had their leavers assembly and spent their last day in school before they leave us. It is a happy occasion, where we share gifts, certificates, trophies, hoodies and lots of memories… but we are always sad to say goodbye to our friends as they move on.

As well as our 14 young people, we also said goodbye to 3 staff from the SEND school, teacher Bex who has been with us for 18 months and leaves for a new school nearer home, EHCA Linda who has worked here since September 2002 - 19 years! - and who is going to have a very long and happy retirement we hope. Finally, Assistant Head teacher Laura, who has been here for 10 years and who is going on to a promotion to deputy headship in a new school.

Our leavers’ classes all had a fancy pizza lunch provided by out ever imaginative catering team, and they had a lovely last meal together. Thanks to Pizza Hut in Blackburn for kindly donating the boxes and the catering team for their efforts!

Thanks to all of our wonderful young adult leavers, who are leaving on to new things, our littlest leaver who leaves us to start primary school and our amazing staff leavers who have dedicated such love and support to children, families and school - we will miss them all!

We wish you all a wonderful summer holiday - hopefully the sun will shine, and we will al get a good break, stay safe and come back ready for another brilliant year of learning, fun and exciting challenges at Newfield!

refs leaver
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