In the school for Autism, pupils have had an exciting end to the term by joining in with the wow events including Olympics sports and an Olympics closing ceremony.
Over the 3 days pupils have joined together and cheered each other on.
They have taken part in obstacle races, a bean bag toss, penalty shoot outs, hurdle races and egg and spoon races.
They also had an amazing day on Wednesday with donkeys and ice cream along with the Olympic activities. All the children joined in well with big smiles on their faces all day.
On Friday, pupils will celebrate with a medal ceremony and an Olympic themed sensory trail.
The fantastic catering team made a special Olympic theme cake for everyone to enjoy, and all of the children got an Olympic medal biscuit to have for pudding as well!
Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make this special 3 day event for the children - it was thoroughly enjoyable and children all participated really well.