Newfield Seaside Day 2021

Today, the sun shone, the donkeys and the ice cream van came, children paddled and splashed, Mr Stix entertained, we had lots of games - the seaside, for one day only, came to Newfield!

All SEND classes had sand trays and paddling pools and there were lots of palm trees, bunting and seaside illustrations all over school and outside! Earlier in the week classes had been preparing for a sandcastle contest which will be judged on Friday!

All the pupils have had an amazing day. We had visiting donkeys who were all so friendly and loved our biscuits as well as munching on our grass in the sensory garden.

Mr Stix visited us for some seaside entertainment and did some great magic tricks and balloon modelling.

We had fairground games and prizes in our atrium with a coconut shy, hook a duck and more.

In our playgrounds we have been enjoying the sunshine making sandcastles and splashing around in paddling pools.

Luckily, we’ve had seaside fish and chips presented in brilliant proper chippy newspaper trays and then ice creams from the ice cream van to help keep us going on what has been such a busy but fun end to our school year. The amazing kitchen staff had even built a sand castle cake for us to enjoy!

Thank you to Mr Stix , Mike the donkey man and all the staff and children who made this such a fantastic Newfield Beach Day.

mr stix
hook duck
ice cream van
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