Autism Satellite Provision at Shadsworth Infants

During the Spring term Newfield were busy setting up the Newfield Autism Satellite Provision at Shadsworth Infant School.

Since the Easter holidays the pupils in the Autism Satellite Provision have been very busy working towards the John Muir Award, doing lots of work inside and outside to create lots of items using, natural and recycled materials.

We have created bamboo xylophones and wind chimes, along with willow and feather bird decorations. We have also been studying plants and seeds. The pupils have grown their own cress seeds and planted some pansies using recycled materials for the containers. They now take pride of place on the fence next to the entrance to the building.

We have been very fortunate to use the Forest School area at Shadsworth Infant School to explore and carry out lots of our lessons. The willow tunnel makes for a nice change of scenery when going for a walk.

We have done lots of following instructions to carry out activities, including during our food sessions, when we have made cheese and cress sandwiches and we have also made stick sculptures inspired by the artist Goldsworthy.

As you can see in the photographs, all the staff and pupils have settled in very well to their new surrounding and have been taking part in lots of fun and exciting activities.

outside play
play ground
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