Remembering Captain Tom - 100 Activity Day 2021

Today we joined others across the country in celebrating the lovely Captain Tom. His family asked for people to join in completing 100 of a different activity in celebration of what would be his 101st Birthday and in remembrance of his efforts in raising money for the NHS last year through his 100 laps of his garden.

We encouraged all staff and children to join in with completing 100 of various activities based on their needs and interests, individually or as part of a group.

Activities included: 100 supported steps in walkers/aided 100 star jumps 100 throws/ bounces of a ball 100 basket ball hoops 100 lengths of the Autism school path 100 reaches to sensory lights/ toys 100 runs under the parachute 100 based art work

In the SEND Blackburn hall children were invited to complete 100 minutes of dancing!

A1 have popped 100 bubbles and splashed welly boots in water 100 times today to complete our Captain Tom Challenges.

A8 did 100 exercises for Captain Tom this morning, including star jumps, step ups, toe touches and ball bounces. They really got stuck in to the challenge !

TG2 planted 100 Flanders poppy seeds in memory of captain Tom. We had also got 100 plants to plant in the flowerbeds in the sensory garden, but due to the odd cold snap, the garden centre advised us not to put these in yet - so that will wait for another day!

All of the children got a certificate and we put up a display to celebrate the long life of a national hero!


Class 1 enjoyed the 100 movements for Sir Tom activities in the hall. Rolling balls back and forth, walking on the stepping stones, using parallel bars, exploring balls in water and water balloons amongst other things. Lots of fun!


A4 have been very busy this afternoon. Kai has done a 100 lengths of the playground on a scooter. Lainy has completed a 100 bounces of a ball.Kieren has played catch for a 100 seconds. Kody has rolled a ball for 100 seconds.


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