Happy Easter!

- In Category: School Activities

Happy Easter!

We’ve had a fun week, with some nice spring weather that has meant children have been able to spend more time outdoors - doing lots of playing as well as Easter egg hunts! During the Easter holidays some staff are coming to school to develop the grounds in the sensory garden - we’ve had some donations, but if you know anyone or want to donate a bag of soil some plants, seeds or anything nice for our garden, please get in touch!

Along with egg hunts, children have been doing Easter art, making chocolate nests - Danielle has done a demonstration of this on the YouTube channel if you want to have a go! They have also made and modelled Easter bonnets - very cute.

We also say goodbye to Deputy Head Helen Willet, who leaves us to take up a new post after the Easter break. This afternoon everyone is having afternoon tea in class while we have an online ceremony to say goodbye and give Helen our cards and gifts - we wish her very good luck in the future.

We would like to wish everyone a happy Easter break and are looking forward to getting more normality next term, along with some summer sunshine - hopefully!

sensory play
egg hunt
making a bonnet
helen leaving
Chocolate Nests
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