TG1 have written a poem, reflecting on the pandemic and lockdown. They have written it and are performing it to make a video about how it has made them feel. We think it’s brilliant and look forward to hearing and seeing it performed!
COVID Reflections Poem
I was shocked at the reports on the news
Locked in, face masks, all of Boris’ views.
I could not go outside and I felt sad
No trips to local food shops makes me sad.
I’m sad at no more Sporting NRG
Just on my Ipad faces could I see.
I want to be happy on my laptop
Because I could not go out to the shop.
I am sad when I am not at my school
I don’t see my friends and that’s just not cool.
Yet it could be time to get excited
Family time, barbeque ignited.
And I’m excited it soon will be school
Time with friends and staff at the swimming pool.
Back to school and the work is so boring!
All these class teachers, they got me snoring!
I’m worried to see all class staff in masks
Every day I see them complete their tasks.
But I’m happy playing games together
Sometimes outside in all kinds of weather.
Happy eating school dinners in my class.
Instead of going in the hall ‘en masse’.
Excited to do Zumba in the hall
Push out elbow moves so much I could fall!