Full Return to School!

This week we have all been very happy to see a full return to school, with most of our children and staff being able to get back into Newfield! A few children and staff are still having to stay safe at home and we are working to support them until they can get back in - hopefully very soon. Staff are being tested twice each week, most have had vaccinations and they are all wearing PPE, so we are making it as safe as we can for our fantastic children and staff.

The children have been brilliant, very happy to be back and we’ve had some great activities going on to ease us back!

In Autism, class A11 have been reading Gansta Granny by David Williams. Pupils have been having their picture taken wearing granny’s grey wig and glasses. They have also been looking at the tin of jewels that Granny stole when she was the black cat.

In SEND pupils have had a virtual school council meeting and have also been organising the mountain of cereals to be sent home for the Magic Breakfast - sadly this comes to an end in April, but we’ve certainly benefitted from the porridge, cereal and bagels provided since September.

Class 6 explored the story of The Hungry Caterpillar, where they tracked caterpillar eggs on leaves, tasted fruits from the story and found leaves hidden in caterpillar slime - lots of messy fun had by all.

Everyone has been very happy to be back in school, learning with their friends.

granny 2
more jewels
sch council
magic breakfast
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