Well, we’ve made it to the end of the first half term of the year and it has been another one in lockdown - still, we’ve all done our best in school and at home to stay positive, keep smiling and keep learning. We want to say a big thank you to all of the Newfield Family - the children, the parents and carers, all the school staff and the many friends and colleagues who work together to make Newfield the very special place that it is - even when we cannot be together physically!
In school, children have been learning about year of the ox as we celebrate Chinese New Year on Friday 12th February - Kung Hei Fat Choi! They explored lanterns and made cupcakes!
Under the theme of Valentine’s, children enjoyed making heart artwork and Valentine gifts for families, as well as a romantic session in the studio with hearts, flowers and bubbles.
Today some of the children have had great fun making chocolate cornflake valentine blobs! Students enjoyed exploring the textures and flavours - and clearly getting to taste the chocolate!
At home, children have been doing artwork - a panda and a clown - brilliant!
Children in the school for Autism have been looking at the Theme ‘Healthy, Happy Me - and have made fruit salad at home. They also made some peppermint creams for valentine’s day - lovely to see them working alongside family - thanks to parents for emailing in the pictures.
The final photo is of some delicious looking cakes that assistant head Lois made to treat staff - thank you Lois!
We hope you all stay well, enjoy some treats of your own of some kind over the next week, (don’t forget pancake day on Tuesday!) and we look forward to seeing you - in person or virtually, after the half term break - Stay Safe!