Online Learning for Children's Mental Health Week

We have had lots of special leaning going on this week to celebrate our mental health! This morning, HLTA Dawn led a cooking session where children followed her recipe and made some jammy cakes.

Adnan was joining in by naming the equipment and ingredients, counting and joined in with rolling and squishing actions! It was great fun!

Clare loved it and had everything ready to bake along, she really joined in from start to finish and enjoyed the sensory element….and the getting messy! We are so impressed by our parents and how brilliant you are are supporting the children to learn whilst doing EVERYTHING else! We hope you forgive us for all the mess with cooking, painting etc etc - sorry!

We’ve also had families at home join in with snack time, alongside the small number of children in school.

And HLTA Rebecca ran a session today where class S4 all met up for a catch up - they were very pleased to see each other and had a lovely time.

In the final photos, you can see Assistant Head Lois’s daughter who has used our YouTube channel to follow the ‘Cooking with Cowie’ and make a cheese pie for tea - looks amazing - glad the Newfield Family is all making use of the channel!

live learning
catch up

I enjoy these sessions with Claire a lot. It gives her structure to the day and I’m really enjoying helping Claire learn. This week Claire has worked really hard.

Lisa, Claire's mum.
jam cakes
snack time
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