Love for Kenya

- In Category: RRSA

Love for Kenya

Many of you may know that at Newfield, as part of our Rights Respecting School Award (RRSA) steering group with UNICEF, we support Love for Kenya. A few years we started supporting the orphanage school in Kenya.

We got involved with this due to Julia Dyer (who completes our sensory assessments and training for sensory integration) being heavily involved with them, due to being part of St James Church in Clitheroe, with whom Julia visits the orphanage school annually.

Julia has been in touch and explained she has had some wonderful prayer meetings with Kenya these past 3 Sundays which were a real highlight for everyone involved.

Their schools are back open again, opening at the beginning of January 2021 after all closing in March 2020 due to Covid.

It is a real struggle for folk in Kenya especially in poorer areas. Most schools like Kings Highway School are private schools and without the school fees it has meant that no teachers have been paid. They have no benefit system, or furlough schemes, so just surviving and feeding their family has been hard.

Obviously Julia can’t visit like she normally would, but Julia and the church have sent some money to help them open up the school and make it Covid safe. They have many problems and getting vaccinations for Africa will be a real problem.

We have raised lots of money for them supporting water and farming initiaitives and also sent out play equipment, raised money for school books as well as other donations .

The people who run the orphanage and work with the school have visited us at Newfield twice and love being part of our school, taking part in assemblies, dancing and singing with our students. We very much hope that in the future they can visit again .

In the photos, as always the children are smiling - it makes us realise that we are all suffering during this horrible pandemic, wherever we are in the world.

africa children
africa class
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