Learning in School

- In Category: School Activities

Learning in School

Here is a selection of images of some of the learning taking place in school.

Anna’s group - had outdoor learning, where they created some mud faces, following on from the topic about ‘our bodies’.

Denise’s group - have been looking at the artist Giuseppe Arcimbaldo. They made their own portraits with fruit and veg, just like he did! They also made fruit salad and enjoyed eating it. As part of their ‘all about me’ lesson, the students were measured to see how tall they are!

Gill’s group - have had a busy week, enjoying story time and making fruit kebabs.

Kay’s group - enjoyed the swings in the hall and were helping each other to make them rock back and forth!

Tracy’s group - have been working hard, exercising on the sensory swings and completing artwork related to Jack and the beanstalk.

Helen’s group - Pupils have enjoyed making their own play dough, following verbal instructions to add ingredients such as flour, salt and warm water. They were able to choose what colour they wanted. Pupils then made shapes using cutters. They really enjoyed the sensory activity. They also enjoy having time in the hall and using the sensory circuit. Pupils can choose what they want to use to help address any sensory needs such as bouncing on the trampette or scooter boards.

mud face
play dough
outdoor play
swing friends
fruit chopping
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