Merry Christmas

- In Category: School Activities

Merry Christmas

We had a lovely last day in school and now everyone is ready for a well earned rest as we break for two weeks holiday.

Children have enjoyed visits from Father Christmas and his Elf - of course he is always busy at this time of year, and he too has been affected by COVID, but is embracing the technology and did virtual visits to every class and our learners at home (he had sent the gifts beforehand to be quarantined!) - he says it is maybe more efficient, but he prefers travelling the world and seeing people face to face! Later Father Christmas and Elf were spotted by some in the school for Autism walking round - We think they were checking everyone was still being good!

Although we were very excited to finish, it was tinged with sadness. Gemma our HR lady who has been so helpful over the last 7 years leaves us for pastures new, and we also said goodbye to our fantastic swimming teacher Janis Bennett, who retires today after working for BwD for 36 years and at LCC prior to this for 8 years. Hundreds of children have benefitted from their time in the hydro pool with Janis and she will be missed - we gave her a big Newfield send off albeit a virtual one - Happy Retirement Janis!

We wish you all a happy holiday and look forward to seeing you in the new year - 2021!

janis gifts
father xmas
Father Christmas Virtual Visit
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