This week our furry friend, Baxter the PAT dog and his handler Julie, have been joining us to celebrate Christmas - virtually!
Baxter was dressed in his Christmas outfit - very cute!
On Tuesday afternoon A1 and A5 in the school for Autism were joined virtually by Julie and Baxter for a special Christmas party. The pupils in A1 love seeing Baxter and enjoyed a game of pass the parcel and singing songs with him. Julie also read us a Christmas story.
On Wednesday it was the turn of some classes in the school for SEND - C4, S1 and TG3. They all had a lovely time, listening to the story, joining in the song and playing pass the parcel. C4 said ‘We had a great time with Baxter and Julie. We played pass the parcel, listened to Julie read a story and we enjoyed showing Baxter some of our crafts. In the photo you can see the reindeer food we made to sprinkle at our doorsteps on Christmas Eve’.
Baxter and Julie were fantastic and all of the children were very good and had a brilliant time.
Thanks to Julie and Baxter for two fun filled afternoons.