Children in Need 2020

- In Category: Charity Events

Children in Need 2020

Friday 13th November is supposed to be unlucky… but today it is also the day we celebrate the annual Children in Need fundraising event!

The way we celebrate was going to be slightly different this year… but somethings never change. As usual pupils and staff were wearing anything spotty or Pudsey related for a donation of £1.

We also had an art competition - again any entries that are spotty or Pudsey related were welcome. There was a prize for 1 child per key stage in both schools and the art work was being displayed separately in each school in the hall for judging and another socially distanced exhibition of the work!

Baxter, the PAT dog visited the School for Autism - and he was dressed to impress!

A1 had a Pudsey party this afternoon. They played a game of Pass the Pudsey, Find Pudsey and Parachute Pudsey. They then did some party dances and had some party food which they all helped to make this morning. Pudsey joined them at the party table to try some of the lovely bakes!

Pudsey himself also joined in a great video for our YouTube channel which you can also enjoy - and he did some virtual visits around the SEND school.

Classes have been taking part in “Pudsey’s Great Fundraiser” related activities, using symbols and stories, throughout the week.

Children had the traditional Pudsey Pie lunch - don’t worry, it’s cheese and onion - no bears were harmed!

All in all, it was a different, but equally fun and exciting Children in Need event at Newfield!

pudsey art
dog pudsey
asd pudsey
dog walk
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