Remembrance 2020

- In Category: School Activities

Remembrance 2020

Today to commemorate Remembrance Day, we have been thinking about those who have served our country in wars, and who have lost their lives fighting to protect the freedoms that we all enjoy.

In the studios in both schools we have sent up activities for Remembrance Day, we have made poppies from bottles and decorated them. The children enjoyed looking at the poppy fields and sensory activities with red objects and exploring the trumpet.

In the school for Autism they have had some army clothing loaned to them and have been able to dress up and experience wearing an army uniform and carrying a rucksack.

In each school a member of staff played the last post at 11am in the atriums - Anna in Autism and Lois in SEND. The tree was decorated with beautiful poppies made by the children from recycled plastic bottles - they look amazing.

In SEND school class 4 have made play dough poppies, tried on soldiers uniforms, painted poppy fields for the Atrium and explored their sensory tray. Each class has also been making poppy related art work this week, for a school collage.

At lunchtime, the catering team had made some lovely poppy cakes for pudding - they looked lovely!

We have added a special Remembrance video on our YouTube channel so that those of you at home can join in - with Lois playing the Last Post and a minutes silence, set in our studio with poppy fields.

Lest we forget.

play dough
poppy tray
poppy tree
red ribbon
poppy art
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