In our final instalment for this year’s bonfire night celebrations, we can see more lovely, interesting activities supporting the children’s independence skills whilst taking part in fun, creative learning.
Over in Autism all of the students and staff worked really hard and made the 3 day bonfire WOW event such a success! It was wonderful to see the students getting involved and enjoying the activities. Well done to HLTAs Gill and Denise for planning and leading the sessions and thank you to staff for all of your help. It was very much appreciated! They enjoyed fireworks, a camp fire, explored sensory aspects of bonfire night and made lots of sparkling pictures.
A1 are going to be having a weekly Friday afternoon party this half term to finish off their weekly celebrations as part of their ‘Let’s Celebrate’ Topic.
This week they too have been focusing on fireworks and have had a lovely bonfire party this afternoon. They made some lovely party food this morning, had a game of pass the parcel and listened to and watched fireworks whilst waving our sparklers.
They all had a fabulous end to their week and a sparkling finish to all the firework activities and celebrations!