Today we celebrate Bonfire Night in school with lots of art, craft and sensory cooking activities linked to fireworks, bonfires and the annual British traditions around Guy Fawkes.
In S3 they made toast firework pictures - that’s right… pictures made of toast! To make this, you will need a pastry brush or very clean paintbrush, milk, food colouring and milk. To start off with, you need to make the ‘paint’ - this is just a few drops of food colouring added to milk. Spread this over the bread to make your bonfire picture and finally toast the bread to make a delicious and somewhat festive snack. The class were also building bonfire pictures on the light box.
The youngest children were exploring stars and looking at the bright lights - like fireworks
In class 6 they made some bonfire buns, enjoying sensory exploration of the ingredients as well as feeling logs, smelling smoke and working with tactile and visual objects .
And in S2, with student teacher Jacob, the class have learnt about Guy Fawkes and the gun powder plot in history and done some fantastic firework art pictures.
Have a very happy, safe, warm bonfire night.