This week classes have been getting crafty and making artwork and crafty things based around Halloween, which falls during the half term break.
Class 5 have been exploring the smell and feel of pumpkins - lots of slimy insides and seeds to deal with when making a jack o’lantern! They have also used their hands to make skeleton hand prints, and their feet to make scary ghosts - don’t they look brilliant?!
S1’s teacher Laura says they have been fantastic during their Halloween art activities. It’s lovely to see how independent they have become when creating their own lovely pieces of art work. Here are some photos of their flying bat silhouette pictures.
TG1 had a Halloween scavenger hunt - they used the rain to set the scene of a stormy night - not everyone was best impressed! They spent time hunting outside in the fresh air for items linked to Halloween.
Other classes have had Halloween parties and have dressed up… and finally we had 2 special visitors in the SEND school - Terry the T. Rex and a very glamorous zombie…
Have a very happy half term and a spooky Halloween!