Wellbeing Breakfast - Takeaway Autumn 2020

This morning we held our half termly staff Wellbeing Breakfast - but as with many things at the moment it was different due to COVID! Staff could not come together to enjoy breakfast and a chat with colleagues before the school day, but they were able to put in an order and collect a breakfast treat, to enjoy before the children arrived.

Linsey, Laura, Lois and Helen prepared the toasted treats and then bagged up, with Karl delivering the trolley over to the Autism school. The catering team had ordered and prepared the breakfast bags with juice, butter and jams - it was really a big team effort.

We value our staff and they always work hard, but this first half term, fully open and up and running during the pandemic, has been very tough on everyone.

The children settled back in brilliantly and the fabulous staff have kept going, in full PPE (with smiles underneath the masks!) and made sure that the children are safe, learning and enjoying being in school - so this is just a little thank you for all their efforts.

We are all ready for a half term break to recharge our batteries - ready for the lead up to Christmas!

brekkie delivery

It was soooooo yummyyy!!!! Thanks sooooooo much x

EHCA Leanne
brekkie trolley
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