Learning at Home Autumn 2020

Whilst the majority of our children and staff have returned to school, some members of the Newfield Family are having to remain at home, due to health conditions. Nevertheless, we are determined to continue to support learning and have therefore been working hard on developing a ‘learning at home’ offer.

Teacher Danielle has been contacting families and also delivering several live online sessions each week to families and we have had some very positive feedback. She has also been recording some great sessions that can be viewed via our Youtube channel, at a time that is convenient to families. Some children have also been able to join their class in school, over the internet, to take part in group sessions or assemblies in class.

Today we have finally been able to put together our learning support packs, following lots of orders and deliveries of sensory equipment, art & craft materials and lots more. These packs will be delivered to the families next week, so that they are equipped to take part in the fantastic sessions with Danielle and continue to learn at home with their fantastic parents and carers.

COVID has affected everyone’s lives in different ways and we are very pleased to have used this as an opportunity to develop another aspect of leaning and support for our Newfield Family that will be useful for many years to come.

If you are interested in funding out more about this strand of our work, please contact us in school.

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