European Day of Language 2020  part 2

Here are some more images from our celebration of languages - it was lovely that so many classes were able to do special things, even though we could not come together as usual due to the restrictions to keep everyone safe from Coronavirus.

In A3 they looked at Wales and the Welsh language. Pupils have been listening to welsh music and cartoon in welsh. They have explored different items from Wales. We have made welsh cakes in the tuff tray, explored colours relating to Wales and been on a hunt to collect in the sheep that had got out of the field!

The pupils have also made a daffodil from a stencil and worked on commenting what they see, feel, smell and taste. It has been a fab day and all the pupils seemed to really enjoy themselves.

Elsewhere there was a taste of Italy with S2 making pizza - delicious!

And in TG3 the e group took a trip to the USA - and brought with them Collette, via video link. They enjoyed the sights of New York and Route 66 in the 4D studio, practising their walking skills, and then made choices to enjoy some thick milk shakes.

tuff tray
pizza topping
route 66
new york
video link
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