European Day of Language 2020

Hello - Bonjour - Guten Tag - Buenas Dias - Asalaam alaikum - Ni hǎo - Buonjiorno - Zdravstvuyte - Konnichiwa - Yassas - Namaste - Dzien dobry - Shalom

Today we joined in celebrating European Day of Language which falls on 26th September every year! The Newfield family is made up from people who speak many languages and we were delighted to enriches the experiences of our fantastic children by sharing with them language, culture and of course flavours from a wide range of countries.

Here are some of our lovely photos celebrating Greece in A2 today where they created their own olive leaf wreaths with green and black paper to make the leaves and olives. Then they used modelling clay to try to make our own little models of the Parthenon and then rounded off the day by using their senses to explore Greek foods - some children were even brave enough to give it a taste, thanks to Evie one of our EHCAs who suggested these activities to introduce the children to her own culture.


A1 enjoyed a trip to Italy for languages day by listening to songs, painting flags, threading pasta and making pizzas. The children commented on the foods we liked and disliked and did some fantastic work on following visual instructions and sharing. In their play area they built the leaning tower of Pisa with bricks.

pizza italy

Several classes enjoyed a fiesta feel, celebrating the culture, music and dance of Spain!


Children enjoyed a Jamaican treat from TG2 where the class were ‘jammin’ and making Jamaican cake and a French affair in Class 5 where they enjoyed the gastronomic delights of baguette, camembert - but no wine(!), tasting lots of different foods and smelling all the stinky cheese! Some children enjoyed watching a bit of Beauty and the Beast singing Bonjour while doing their stretches, while others were blowing kisses in front of the french flag - how very French! A4 also focused on France, exploring food and saying whether they liked or disliked the taste/smell. They were also doing artwork and baking bread.

Merci - Danke - Gracias - Evcharisto - Grazie - Thank you - for your efforts today if you have managed to celebrate languages Day in some small way.

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