School Council - September 2020

Today we had our first school council meeting of this academic year. It was great to be back with our friends even if some of the student council members from the school for autism joined us virtually on MS Teams.

We introduced ourselves and said something about ourselves. And we welcomed all our new students. Jenny Riley, deputy head, came onto the meeting via MS Teams to say Hi and to ask how we all were.

Some of the things we talked about were when lunch time clubs and community visits on the mini buses were starting up. Adam one of our students who left in July set up a just giving page to help Newfield school. Adam managed to raise £250. Some of the ideas students came up with that we could spend the money on were football nets or rain covers for some students. The students will go away and think about what the best way to use the money.

We also discussed world mental health day and what activities we would like to try and do. Some of the ideas were a tuck shop selling nice things to eat, meeting up with different friends in school and a small disco or singing group.

We looked at our school ethos - Inspire Support Achieve Together and looked at doing activities in the school council meeting to represent these different areas.

Some of the things we said we would like to do for example are:

INSPIRE - who inspires us SUPPORT- makes some sensory story bags for some of our classes ACHIEVE - make some potted plants and watch them grow TOGETHER - to create a piece of art work throughout school

Everyone was very happy to attend the meeting and get their School Council badges!

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