First Day Back and Breakfast is Served!

We were thrilled to welcome back many of our children today - they were all happy to be in school and settled in nicely - we hope that you took the opportunity to catch your breath after a long 6 months with the children at home.

Back in July we told you that Newfield is part of the National School Breakfast Programme.

Yesterday, while we were planning for the children’s return, we had our first huge delivery of breakfast products to send home with the children.

HLTAs Sharon, Denise and Mo were busily bagging up the bagels and cereals, to send home today, with Site Supervisor Karl making deliveries.

We will be working with Family Action and Magic Breakfast to ensure that all families who want to, have access to a healthy breakfast for their children completely free of charge and will send home the breakfast packs every fortnight, to help all children to eat a healthy breakfast before school, in order to support their learning.

We hope that you are happy to have had a day with your child in school - for most of you - and the pleasant surprise of some breakfast goodies on their return home today.

We will be sending out a letter via parentMail, so if you prefer not to receive the items, just let us know and we will give them to someone else who wants them.

Only one day to the weekend but we are very happy to have had our first proper day since March with an almost full school.

breakfast bags
cereal bags
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