Children's Art Week 2020 - Winners

Thank you to everyone who sent in entries to the Art Competition over the last few weeks. We had some great work sent in - a wide variety, which is fantastic.

Our 1st prize winner is Terence for his thought provoking piece ‘The World - Before & After COVID’. His mum said he didn’t google anything, it was all from how he feels about what is happening at the moment. He has put a lot of effort into this as colouring can take him a while.

Terence is a big fan of Minecraft and has won the great towel below - maybe for when you can get back in school to hydro Terence?!

We also have 3 runners up, each receiving a £10 Amazon voucher.

Jodie - Creative Art Collage, photos taken by staff of Jodie enjoying activities over the last 9 years in classes at Newfield

Mushy - Fruit Face

Steven - Smiley Plate Face

All of our winners did a great job of expressing themselves and each also received a certificate.

Terence world

Jodie & I have enjoyed going through the photos that have been sent home over the years, collected them in a book where I’ve saved them. Was trying to help Jodie remember school life & bring back those lovely memories of being in class at Newfield, We picked out the best ones & made a photo collage for Jodie’s room so she can see her happy memories of school every day.

Natalie & Jodie Tetlow
fruit face
plate face
Towel prize
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