Children's Art Week 2020

Children’s Art Week is a UK-wide programme that gives children and young people the opportunity to get involved in a wide range of art activities online, at home and in schools across three weeks in June and July. Each week will focus on a special theme.

The 2020 themes are…

Week 1 (from 29 June): The Natural World

Week 2 (from 6 July): Connecting across generations

Week 3 (from 13 July): Literacy and creative writing

You can find out more on the Engage website

In school this week, we would have been holding our annual Art Exhibition - sadly, this is not possible due to COVID-19, however, the show must go on, so we are inviting parents to submit a picture of an activity / piece of artwork that children have done at home and we will display them as an online art gallery.

There are lots of good ideas on the Engage website for parents to base activities around including landscapes / architecture/ exploring water / natural craft challenge etc

There are more art ideas on our YouTube channel, and in the Learning at Home section of our website.

There will be a prize of Amazon gift card for the best piece of artwork to buy more art materials - so get creative, and please send your entries by Thursday 16th July to:

Happy crafting and good luck!

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